Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012


Molecular Formula : C15H12O
Molar mass : 208.26 g mol−1 
Melting Point : 55–57 °C
Boiling Point : 345–348 °C 

Chalcone is an aromatic ketone and an enone that forms the central core for a variety of important biological compounds, which are known collectively as chalcones or chalconoids. The name “Chalcones” was given by Kostanecki and Tambor. These compounds are also known as benzalacetophenone or benzylidene acetophenone. In chalcones, two aromatic rings are linked by an aliphatic three carbon chain. Chalcone bears a very good synthon so that variety of novel heterocycles with good pharmaceutical profile can be designed.
Chalcones are -unsaturated ketone containing the reactive ketoethylenic group –CO-CH=CH. These are coloured compounds because of the presence of the chromophore -CO-CH=CH-, which depends in the presence of other auxochromes.

A variety of methods are available for the synthesis of chalcones, the most convenient method is the one that involves the Claisen-Schmidt condensation of equimolar quantities of a substituted acetophenone with substituted aldehydes in the presence of aqueous alcoholic alkali.10-17 In the Claisen-Schmidt reaction, the concentration of alkali used, usually ranges between 10 and 60 %.18-19 The reaction is carried out at about 50 oC for 12-15 hours or at room temperature for one week. But various condensing agent can used in synthesis of chalcone.

2 komentar:

  1. from the article above, the reaction occurs under alkaline conditions. How about the reaction occurs in acidic conditions or other conditions? whether it able to form chalcone? How the reaction take place?

  2. chalcone can be synthesized by various methods one of which is through the reaction condensation of an aromatic aldehyde with an aromatic ketones in both acidic and alkaline conditions. This reaction is known as the aldol condensation reaction or more specifically the Claisen-Schmidt condensation reaction.
    for more details you can see chalone synthesis reaction under acidic conditions in the link below :

